Monday 22 November 2010

Saturday the 20th's blog

Today I researched the ideas I want to use on my album art cover. Emily and I thought it would be a good idea if we used an Olympic torch in the front of the cover. This is significant because it would relate to the song we have done, We Are the Champions, as well as the video, which is based upon the loser becoming the champion. The reason I chose to research this is because to use such a significant symbol, I needed to know what it really meant and why I was using it. The Olympic flame or Olympic torch is a symbol of the Olympic games. Commemorating the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus by Prometheus, its origins lie in ancient Greece, where a fire was kept burning throughout the celebration of the ancient Olympics. The fire was reintroduced at the 1928 summer Olympics in Amsterdam, and it has been part of the modern Olympic games ever since. According to legend, the torch's flame has been kept burning, ever since the first Olympics. One of the problems that lies here, is that if I intend to use this in any shape or form for my album art cover, I will need to create myself. Therefore, an idea that Mr. Earl had, was to use a match stick, or even more simple, a flame of some sort. It does not have to be an Olympic torch, but to use the fire itself would be effective. And reading the urban legend that the fire had been running since it was founded during the first Olympic game, I had an idea for the album art cover name; astound presents, The Flame That Holds Us Together.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure how relevant some of this is, unless you are planning an album cover which includes historical info about the Olympics (not beyond the realms of possibility, to be fair). You need to be researching other album covers in the genre you are working within, or linked to relevant artists. I'm worried that you are being a little literal here - you need a solid foundation for your planning. I'm not 100% that you've justified your video yet, so you need to really find some way of explaining exactly why you've chosen this style of narrative. You also need to clarify your ideas for the CD sleeve/ advert - what are the expectations of your audience? What are the representational implications? What are the generic signifiers? More detail is needed to get you into the higher levels.
