Monday 1 November 2010

Monday 25th (unable to access from home last week)

Today is very sunny, therefore I think it’s best to start filming today, as the whether will not be an issue and we will not have to worry about us or the equipment getting wet and damaged. Emily contacted to see when is the most suitable time for me to start filming, as I have the cameras and the accessories (this is because neither of us had gone to see Mrs. Gibson before the end of the term to book a camera, therefore, as a favour, our teacher, Mr. Earl, had lent us the camera and tripod from his own department to help us film for our movie). I asked Emily if she was free today, so that we can at least plan fully what we are going to do tomorrow, if not film today; to which she replied that she could not make it today at all, due to being busy with plans she had already made before knowing I needed her today. And despite my push to get her to focus more on the project and less on her own pre-made plans, she could not make it today.

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