Monday 1 November 2010

Tuesday 26th (unable to access from home last week)

Today I started by asking Emily when is the best time and place to meet, we decided at half 1 at the Arnison Centre. But eventually delayed it a bit longer as I had a small errand to run before I got there. I still got there at 14:09 and met Emily, Sophie Balfour and another one of our actors, Bethany Simpson, whom had both gotten a ride from Emily. We spent today planning what were going to do and exactly when and where. We went to different locations, to choose the best surroundings as well as the running track for the first scene, being the race. We went to the Maiden Castle sports centre, checked out the running track and then went to the main office/reception to ask whether they were happy about us filming within their grounds or not, after asking different people, we found out that it would be okay with them.

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