Saturday 9 October 2010

Queen – We are the champions (analysis and timing schedule)


What’s Happening

I've paid my dues -
Time after time -
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime -
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But I've come through

This is basically the part within the storyline where the unaccomplished later-to-become hero/champion is shown ready to start the race, possibly tying her shoe lace (the use of her is because I think for the champion to be a heroin is much more effective than being a man, which most stories turn out to be). The video goes on with the heroin starting to run the race.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

Through this verse, the heroin is shown to be only moments from winning, when an arch enemy or competitor seems to take that away from her; this is when the other racer runs past her just before she reaches the finish line and wipes her from the race, setting an all new record and beating her.

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all -

This verse shows the heroin sobbing and watching her losses as the nation celebrates her enemy’s win. She has gone in such a feeling of defeat that she is left with nothing, no championship, no fame, no fortune nor a legacy. This is ironic because the line says, “you’ve brought me fame and fortune” where as it hasn’t, she’s gained nothing but defeat. She is shown to start getting out of her mood and getting the will to train again.

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose -

In this scene, she is shown training, the first line estates “no bed of roses” which shows that the training was hard. And it shows her winning back her self esteem, her health and gaining the power to win what was took from her.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

This second from last chorus shows her getting ready for the race, and once the instruments kick in, she starts to run in the race. The old competitor doesn’t seem that bothered about her, because he’s already beaten her once; but as the race goes on, he see’s that she is a threat and tries to stop her from winning.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

In this last chorus, the heroin is shown overcoming the challenges which, took her down last time and beating her enemy. She is shown winning and crossing that line with pride and joy. She is shown celebrating her victory and how her enemy whom won last time, gives over the medal to her, with honour and shown being, the champion, of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Did you watch the "Electrobank" video? Some good ideas there. Would it not work better if it was two females racing against other? This is more realistic...
