Wednesday 13 October 2010


I recently remembered that in sport competitions, male and female racers are not put in the same race, ever. Therefore, in contradiction to my story board, i have chosen to use all female racers. 1 of the female racers is just an extra, not so important to the actual storyline, but yet needed in the background. Another of the racers is the blonde whom wins the first race; as pointed out by Emily, this is isn't an everyday occasion, because blondes are shown as being society's less intellectuals; and by showing otherwise, we are challenging the way blonde women are shown throughout the media and society. And lastly, we are using an average brunette, who is the underdog of this video, by losing the first, but by training hard, winning the last race and fulfilling her life-long dream, she becomes a champion, of the world. At the moment, we have chosen Emily Smith as the underdog female actress, the blonde being Sophie Balfour and lastly we have the choice between Leanne Thompson, Hannah Patterson or Emma Stinchcombe.

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