Thursday 21 October 2010

Test Footage

Here, Emily and I, have shot our test footage and whilst Emily was off yesterday, i edited it a bit to make it look like a rough cut of our main video. Within the video, i have inserted the sound track that was recorded as a rough cut as well. This video has no real resembelance to our idea, but only to show what our video will blossom from.

Monday 18 October 2010

Production Schedule

While planning our shoots, Emily and I decided that we cannot choose our days which we our filming within, this early. We have planned to film throughout all of next week, our holiday half term. We have already chosen the majority of our actors, the place as well as the song. I, the band and alongside Mr. Lamb are recording the music track this afternoon, over the course of lunchtime, in the music room, A27. Knowing we are recording next week, we have not chosen precise days until next Saturday or Sunday, which is when we can get the week’s weather forecast which enables us to know when the best days are for the outside shoots. Once I know for sure the exact days in which we are filming, I will complete the production schedule.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Camera - test footage

As advised by Mr. Earl, we have undertook the idea of shooting some test footage to try out and see what our idea will look. At the beginning of today's lesson, i volunteered to book out a camera so Emily and I can go out on the sights we think are suitable for the type of movie we are shooting (such as the race track) and start doing some test footage. Unfortunetly the teacher that we needed to get a camera from was unavailable, and when i got back to my classroom, i was told by Rob that in order to get a camera, i would need to do at least 24 hours of notice; Knowing this, i will go to Mrs. Gibson tomorrow and ask for a camera and tripod for monday's lesson. Teh camera to take some test footage, we will do various shots from various angle and different settings; we will try hand held footage to see if it's as effective as we think it will be, and use the tripod to obtain maximum balance. I will also charge and bring my own camera in case something goes wrong with the camera we want from the school.

Wednesday 13 October 2010


I recently remembered that in sport competitions, male and female racers are not put in the same race, ever. Therefore, in contradiction to my story board, i have chosen to use all female racers. 1 of the female racers is just an extra, not so important to the actual storyline, but yet needed in the background. Another of the racers is the blonde whom wins the first race; as pointed out by Emily, this is isn't an everyday occasion, because blondes are shown as being society's less intellectuals; and by showing otherwise, we are challenging the way blonde women are shown throughout the media and society. And lastly, we are using an average brunette, who is the underdog of this video, by losing the first, but by training hard, winning the last race and fulfilling her life-long dream, she becomes a champion, of the world. At the moment, we have chosen Emily Smith as the underdog female actress, the blonde being Sophie Balfour and lastly we have the choice between Leanne Thompson, Hannah Patterson or Emma Stinchcombe.

Saturday 9 October 2010


Storyboard 1:

Story Board 2:

These are our storyboards, a concept of our idea, put into practice and soon to become reality.

Queen – We are the champions (analysis and timing schedule)


What’s Happening

I've paid my dues -
Time after time -
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime -
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But I've come through

This is basically the part within the storyline where the unaccomplished later-to-become hero/champion is shown ready to start the race, possibly tying her shoe lace (the use of her is because I think for the champion to be a heroin is much more effective than being a man, which most stories turn out to be). The video goes on with the heroin starting to run the race.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

Through this verse, the heroin is shown to be only moments from winning, when an arch enemy or competitor seems to take that away from her; this is when the other racer runs past her just before she reaches the finish line and wipes her from the race, setting an all new record and beating her.

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls -
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all -

This verse shows the heroin sobbing and watching her losses as the nation celebrates her enemy’s win. She has gone in such a feeling of defeat that she is left with nothing, no championship, no fame, no fortune nor a legacy. This is ironic because the line says, “you’ve brought me fame and fortune” where as it hasn’t, she’s gained nothing but defeat. She is shown to start getting out of her mood and getting the will to train again.

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -
And I ain't gonna lose -

In this scene, she is shown training, the first line estates “no bed of roses” which shows that the training was hard. And it shows her winning back her self esteem, her health and gaining the power to win what was took from her.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

This second from last chorus shows her getting ready for the race, and once the instruments kick in, she starts to run in the race. The old competitor doesn’t seem that bothered about her, because he’s already beaten her once; but as the race goes on, he see’s that she is a threat and tries to stop her from winning.

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

In this last chorus, the heroin is shown overcoming the challenges which, took her down last time and beating her enemy. She is shown winning and crossing that line with pride and joy. She is shown celebrating her victory and how her enemy whom won last time, gives over the medal to her, with honour and shown being, the champion, of the world.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Runaway Love - Analysed

network_file.phtml.jpgIn this blog i am going to upload the pictures (screenshots) from the video which i discussed in my previous blog; Runaway Love - Ludacris featuring Mary J. Blige. The scenes which i have chosen are specially meaningful and useful due to their link to my idea for my video. Firstly this scene shows a girls sitting alone by her self, the video at the start shows quite a few different girls like this, about 10 or 15 different girls, which then re-appear at the end of the video with Mary J. Blige when she does her solo.

In this scene, the featured actor is recognised, Mary J. Blige, she is shown as well as the starting credits for the video like the ones i will have to create for my video, it includes song name, the artists, the album and the producer or company.network_file.phtml.jpg


In this scene, the first story has begun and it shows the two actors, one main and one not so important within the story. but it also shows Ludacris sitting in the back whilst he sings. I have had this idea, to put the band in the background of my videos, so that it gives it the effect of a music video whilst having a story to it, much similar to this video which also became famous for it.

network_file.phtml.jpg In this scene, the second story has begun and it is showing how she is a Runaway Love. Again, Ludacris is in the back of the scene, dark, mysterious and focused out of the shot, not so important, but yet, it he is actually still effective in the background. in the next shot it shows the girl from the second story to be running past Mary J. Blige, this happened to the first girl also, this is effective that both actors have had moments in the video with both singers; it shows that everything is connected and nothing is random, that this isn't some movie or video and that's just the music that's accidentally playing in the background, this is a music video with singers who sing in it, but it also has a short movie in it as well, to show moral of the story.


network_file.phtml.jpg In this shot, Ludacris is yet again sitting in the back, singing, and the camera changes focus from him to her, which i thought would be quite effective to use in my video, even though I need to learn how to do it first and to practice it. this girl is from the last story in this video.

Monday 4 October 2010

Ludacris - Runaway Love ft. Mary J. Blige

I have linked you to this video because it is similar to our idea. Where within the video, there are different lives shown as a story and my idea is to show how the become glorious, victorious and champions of their own lives. I could use famous movie scenes such as Million Dollar Baby or Rocky 4 as the boxing scene. As I was writing about my idea, I remembered how I got my idea from this very famous video. The difference between this video and our idea would be that our video would have a happy ending, it shows how both stories would end with the actors getting to be the champions, where as on this video, it shows the victims just standing there upset and all Mary J. Blige does is that she says she will run away with them, so not exactly problem solving, not that she says she will adopt them or give them money to make their lives better, but just that she knows how they feel.