Monday 12 July 2010

Research, Aerosmith - Dream On

Aerosmith is the first debut album by American rock band Aerosmith, released in 1973. It featured the famous song “Dream On” which got them their break; Written by lead singer Steven Tyler, this song not only became their first major hit, but also a legacy which is still reminded to my generation through rock music video channels every once in a while. The song was later re-released in 1976 as a single and went straight into the charts, alongside their 2nd and 3rd album Get Your Wings and Toys in The Attic. This song is a significant symbol to the band because of its genre and time it was written; Dream On had the original rock feel to it, the loud drums, the clear vocals, the screams and the guitar solos.

And being at beginning of the 70’s, this was the best time for it to shine through and make a hit for itself, and making Aerosmith close to the greatest rock band ever. All of Aerosmith’s songs had a slight tone of sadness to them, yet the lyrics and the music could make masses cry with joy at their concerts. This was the band’s first concept of music, , but as time went on, so did their type of music, but they never lost their original touch. Bellow is the album art cover of the album this song was first released. The link for this music video is:

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