Monday 12 July 2010

A2 Update 1

It has now been almost a month since we have came back from our study leave to continue Media Studies at an A2 level. We have started to think about what we are doing for next year’s project. I have chosen to do a music video, an album art cover and a Digi-pak for the CD as well as a Poster for the music video of my choice. I have started my research on the particular genre that i want, Rock, and decided to look on the internet for amateur artists whom have done covers of famous songs. I have joined up with Jamie-lee Carr and Emily Smith in hope to make a group which will help us all do the best we can in next year's media project. I have been trying to post a blog on this website for about two weeks, but every time i have had issues with the internet or technical problems, thus not being able to talk about what i have been doing, but now i am able to fully talk about my works in depth. In the next few blogs, i will be sharing the research which i have done on my chosen artist.

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