Friday 15 April 2011

Urgent update!

Dear Mr. Earl

I am making this post because the VLE is not working for me to email you. It has been broken since last night, but it was supposedly fixed this afternoon. I've tried over and over again on my laptop to get through to my working area to upload the band's finished footage as well as some of the documentary footage that's on the system, but i cannot get to them to edit the last bit of my documentary and evaluation.

I will keep trying until i can successfully upload them.

Monday 11 April 2011

Honey, I'm home!...

It's been about 3 months since i've updated my blog. I've been using these several months to: - Filming for mine and Emily's music video at multiple dates as each time we've come accross a problem, wether it has been that we hadn't got a certain shot, a wrong angle or even when our footage was deleted and set us back alongside the weather. - Editing the footage with the help of Mr. Earl, trying different effects and versions of the movie to see which are the most effective. - Helping Emily with the photography of our album art cover and digipak. - Lastly filming the feedback from the band. The next step, in this crucial week, i will be updating my blog with progressing footages of the music video, as well as the final piece last. I will be uploading the important tasks asked to be done by Mr. Earl.