Wednesday 4 May 2011

The notes i had used to make the director's cut video

1. In what ways does my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A) last summer - aerosmith research
music videos like walk this way
Rock good music videos
Started reviewing newer music videos
runaway love
we are champions lyric analysis (read parts of it)
story boards

B) narrative story lines in music videos effective, e.g. bad to good, losing to winning.
we are champions lyric analysis (read parts of it)
story boards drawn for running, because it is the most effective way/sport to show the overcoming of life's problems.

C) idea of print works came from scott pilgrim vs the world poster

2. How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?
Clear links of actors, as well as colour scheme. music video has beth and emily, and most shot in black and white.
rock linked with darkness, whereas we are the champions is about winning and hope, thus light (thus flame holds us together) thus using white, black and white, bad and good.
music video to CD has actors
CD to magazine has the band on it

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
TALK ABOUT THE FEEDBACK FROM THE BAND. I have learnt to spend more time looking closely to find any small and minor problems in the video, for example continuity error of grass colour.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

A) During the last summer term in year 12, my research into other bands to find out what's the best option for me was good, but as i started getting more into year 13, i slowly started to let go of the planning part, and stick more to the practical part of the project. so eager to start filming and editing, as oppose to knowing exactly what to film at which point.

B) Toward 2/3 of the way, emily and i decided it's best if each of us focus on different aspects of the project; print products and research was left up to emily, as it is her strong point, and the filming and editing was left up to me, as i had the more experience and ambition in this (although we each took a part of this project, we were both involved in each other's work from time to time)

C) the problem i've had with the blogger website is that it seems i cannot open it using my home computer, the Apple Mac. When at school, it is easy to log in and post my blogs, but when at home, sometimes it does not log in, and sometimes it just simply does not let me post my blog, then erases it before i can copy and keep it for another time.

D) the Digital camera - getting used to the hard drive ones this year, as oppose to the usual digital cam corder of last year.

E) problems - it deleted some scenes, therefore we had to take them again, thus creating the continuity error.

F) whilst emily was more busy with Adobe photoshop and Microsoft power point, i was mostly into using the Adobe Premiere Pro on the school systems, as well as Apple's iMovie 08.
problems with premiere pro included the constant crashes, the constant need to render files every time opened. (towards the end, all up-to-date files were converted to AVI to help to be supported by premier pro.

I am finito!

We are the champions by aStOUND music video (A2 media) from Abbas Tajik on Vimeo.

Music Video; final copy and finished.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


aStOUND Directors commentary (A2 Media) from Abbas Tajik on Vimeo.

This is the director's commentary.

Abbas A2 Band Evaluation from Abbas Tajik on Vimeo.

Band feedback

The director's cut is converting

Friday 15 April 2011

Urgent update!

Dear Mr. Earl

I am making this post because the VLE is not working for me to email you. It has been broken since last night, but it was supposedly fixed this afternoon. I've tried over and over again on my laptop to get through to my working area to upload the band's finished footage as well as some of the documentary footage that's on the system, but i cannot get to them to edit the last bit of my documentary and evaluation.

I will keep trying until i can successfully upload them.

Monday 11 April 2011

Honey, I'm home!...

It's been about 3 months since i've updated my blog. I've been using these several months to: - Filming for mine and Emily's music video at multiple dates as each time we've come accross a problem, wether it has been that we hadn't got a certain shot, a wrong angle or even when our footage was deleted and set us back alongside the weather. - Editing the footage with the help of Mr. Earl, trying different effects and versions of the movie to see which are the most effective. - Helping Emily with the photography of our album art cover and digipak. - Lastly filming the feedback from the band. The next step, in this crucial week, i will be updating my blog with progressing footages of the music video, as well as the final piece last. I will be uploading the important tasks asked to be done by Mr. Earl.

Thursday 6 January 2011

January update 2

In this post, i am going to talk about what we need to shoot for our movie.
Firstly, we need the last running scene when Emily, the underdog, achieves her goals and wins the race, overcomes the challenges and in other words, becomes the champion of the video. This would take place after the training montage within the timeline of the movie. I will need to take multiple shots and angles of the race and make sure i get everything in one go, as time is not our friend right now, and we can't afford to not do everything as quickly as possible, yet with the quality that we are expected, and more.

Our second lot of shooting will take place on Monday. We will be filming the piece of footage which will go in the begining of the video, as well as a piece of footage which will come after the first race, to show that it was a flashabck of what's happened and what she will do about it. We are doing this after school, and as we don't care about the weather or lighting outside because we are filming inside and using artificial lighting, we have 1 less thing to worry about. As well having the advantage of less ambient sounds within the recording.

January update 1

Second day back at school, and i am planning on what Emily and I need to shoot. yesterday i spent the lesson talking to Emily abut the time and place for our shooting. We decided on Saturday, the 8th, at Maiden Castle sports centre, to film our last running scene, which would take place around 12, this is because in my opinion, it would be less busy, as people would be going for their lunch and we would have the advantage of day light. And for our second lot of shooting, we decided on Monday the 10th, in one of the actor's rooms, after school.