Thursday 6 January 2011

January update 2

In this post, i am going to talk about what we need to shoot for our movie.
Firstly, we need the last running scene when Emily, the underdog, achieves her goals and wins the race, overcomes the challenges and in other words, becomes the champion of the video. This would take place after the training montage within the timeline of the movie. I will need to take multiple shots and angles of the race and make sure i get everything in one go, as time is not our friend right now, and we can't afford to not do everything as quickly as possible, yet with the quality that we are expected, and more.

Our second lot of shooting will take place on Monday. We will be filming the piece of footage which will go in the begining of the video, as well as a piece of footage which will come after the first race, to show that it was a flashabck of what's happened and what she will do about it. We are doing this after school, and as we don't care about the weather or lighting outside because we are filming inside and using artificial lighting, we have 1 less thing to worry about. As well having the advantage of less ambient sounds within the recording.

January update 1

Second day back at school, and i am planning on what Emily and I need to shoot. yesterday i spent the lesson talking to Emily abut the time and place for our shooting. We decided on Saturday, the 8th, at Maiden Castle sports centre, to film our last running scene, which would take place around 12, this is because in my opinion, it would be less busy, as people would be going for their lunch and we would have the advantage of day light. And for our second lot of shooting, we decided on Monday the 10th, in one of the actor's rooms, after school.