Thursday 23 September 2010


During the summer holidays, I have thought about different genres I could use within my music package. Although I had originally chosen Rock and Alternative, it was rather hard to be able to find an act, which I will be interested in making a video for, as well as get permission to do it. Most bands and their music do not interest me. I have been looking at famous bands such as Kings of Leon for Rock Alternative as well as bands such as Guns ‘N’ Roses or ACDC for rock only genres. I will need to find unsigned acts or try to contact the signed acts to try and use their products in my music video. During the summer I have also drew some scrap storyboards, which could connect with the rock genre, such as guitar players or drummers, or even the use of cars in the video. Recently Emily and I, have chosen to move onto British rock bands rather than the American rock bands that we have been researching on; this is because we have decided a British rock band would be more attractive towards a British audience. So far we have thought of using the band Queen and their top hits We Will Rock You or We Are the Champions.

Looking online for cover artists for those songs, we have found some; for We Will Rock You, i have found maybe 3 or 4 covers, 2 of which were only done live on a stage and the rest were not that good. And for the song We Are the Champions, I have found many covers; some are simply drum covers, which include the original track from Queen, which would still be wrong to use, as I would need to get permission from Queen themselves, and the other covers include Flute covers or Bass guitar covers, which I did not find suitable for the style of video we are going for. I have contacted Queen on their official YouTube account (queenofficial), asking whether or not we could use their tracks in our video, and that it would only be for exam purposes, not for publicity or making money. In case Queen do not reply back or they are not happy with us using their tracks, Emily and I have chosen to record our own version of the either of the songs. This is a good idea for us because we have all the resources within our grasps; we have guitarists at our disposal, which has agreed to play any song that we need, a vocalist as well as recording facilities. The rest of the band members, such as a drummer, can easily be found through the vocalist who may know some people interested. In case we do We Are the Champions, which include the use of the piano a lot, I have taken the courtesy of asking a friend to play the Piano if we need her, and she has agreed.